Reduce Your TV, Cable and/or Radio Budget by

Client ROI in the
Advertising and
Marketing Jungle
for Over 40 Years!
––– Specializing in –––
Retail Automotive Advertising and Digital Marketing and Heavily Experienced with Most Products & Services!
How Many “About” Sections On Ad Agency Websites...
Or Any Other Website... Have You Seen That Is...About You?
hit you with every automobile advertising cliche in the book… and satisfy their own
egos by flaunting the Ad Industry Awards they have won...which by-the-way...
award winning commercials seldom sell cars!

At GO-rilla Advertising, Marketing & Productions our sole focus is about You And Your Dealerships!
First...Your MONEY!
You will see your monthly Television, Cable Television and Radio Budgets Reduced By a Minimum of
10% To 20%... AND YOUR ROI WILL INCREASE! That is a Guarantee!
Plus... Your Advertising Message will be stronger, better-targeted, better-conceived
and more professionally produced thus being More Effective and generate
more phone, floor and web traffic than your current levels!
Second...Your Client Service.
You Deserve...and will receive Absolute World Class Client Service and
Attention to any and all of Your Marketing, Advertising and Production
needs that WILL Dominate and Annihilate any and all Marketing
Tactics by Your Direct Competitors and indirect Competitors for
BOTH New and Pre-Owned Vehicles!
Third...Your Media, Digital Marketing and Social Media
will be “Policed .”
You can rest assured that every single dollar invested in your Advertising and Marketing
Plan will be maximized and scrutinized with each and every media vendor; Television,
Cable Television, Radio and all Digital Marketing Platforms ( Google, Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube etc, etc, etc. ). They will be held 100% accountable for every Rating Point,
Impression, Cost-Per-Click and Cost Per Thousand they promised to deliver!
Whatever Your Dealerships’ Need... Whatever is Promised to You...
Will be DELIVERED… 365 days a year!
Our Services
Traditional Media

Television, Cable Television and Radio -
Television, CATV and Radio are called
MASS COMMUNICATIONS for a good reason!
Too many Auto Dealers have fallen trap to that "silver bullet" ...the internet.
We WARNED Dealers back in 2000 that YES they could save a few dollars on
media by utilizing that newfangled thing called the internet BUT it would come
at the cost of MUCH LOWER GROSSES! Tell me...were we right?
Television, Cable Television and Radio...Reach The Masses...and when used intelligently AND
bought intelligently can actually be just as...or even more cost-effective than Digital and Social Marketing...
ESPECIALLY when you have a machete of a CREATIVE MESSAGE that cuts through the jungle of “regular
car ads” out there! Is your current message THAT machete?
In tandem Your CREATIVE MEDIA CONCEPT and your "machete" of a Creative Message will serve as
THE LAUNCH PAD for the Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing Plan that will augment it do
Digital Marketing

Smart AND Successful Bussinessmen/Businesswomen always hire the brightest and best talent available...
at GO-rilla Advertising, Marketing & Productions...we do too! We have Partnered-Up with the absolute
Best-Of-The-Best Freelancers and Companies in the ALL OF FLORIDA AND THE ENTIRE SOUTHEAST REGION
to bring Dealerships of any and all sizes ON-TARGET, TURN-KEY, ROI
We will the start! If your website needs to be totally revamped...
we have the best Web Designers available to do that at almost any budget
level. If your website just needs some tweaking...we can do that too!
We will also provide Your Dealerships SEO, SEM, Mobile Marketing, Content
Marketing, Pay-Per-Click, E-mail Marketing, GeoFencing, and an entire array
of additional Digital Services and back it up with Astute, Top-Notch
Analytics Evaluations and Recommendations!

Social Media

Don’t Be A Wallflower...
Let Us Turn Your Dealership’s Into a Social Butterfly!
Indisputably and Undeniably...Word-Of-Mouth Advertising is the Most
Powerful In The World! Sooo...the question bears... what are they saying and
thinking… ... or … NOT saying and thinking about Your Dealerships?
Does your current Social Media Presence have you
sitting in the corner and against the wall at the big high
school dance...or... are you out there dancing the night
away with the prettiest girl at the school?
We will bring to Your Dealerships’ Social Media Campaigns and Social
Media Promotional Opportunities that will have prospective buyers...
across all demographics... abuzz about Your Dealerships!
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Videos, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest,
Snapchat, Blogging and other Social Platforms will be evaluated and
implemented to ELEVATE Your Dealerships’ Social Presence And Telling
Their Friends, Relatives and Co-Workers About The Great Experience
They Had In Doing Business With You!
Impactful, Actionable and Memorable Creative Messaging
Truth is...the Old Saying...needs to be modified in advertising to... It IS What you say... AND...
HOW You Say It!
Further, regardless of the media platform...broadcast or digital that Creative Messaging needs to be
tailored directly to that audience. One size does not fit all!
Your Creative Messaging will ALWAYS be well-conceived, on-target and contain all elements that
make it Impactful, Actionable and Memorable!
Impactful, Actionable and Memorable Creative Television, Radio, YouTube
and Digital Platform Production
Our Creative Team has produced in excess of 10,000 Automotive Television Commercials and over 25,000
Automotive Radio Commercials over the years!
Television and YouTube commercial production will be Top Drawer. The Right Voice. The Right Music.
Stunning Graphics.
Radio commercial production will be true Theater-Of-The-Mind! The Voice, The Music, The Cadence of the
Announcer will gain and KEEP the listener’s attention and motivate them to take action!
All Digital Image Production will be Graphically Appealing and Compelling. The accompanying copy will
be clear and concise with a strong Call To Action!
Marketing Strategies and Tactics To Dominate and Annihilate All Competitors
New and Pre-Owned
This is where GO-rilla and Our Clients become Guerillas! Certainly you have read or heard about
Guerilla Marketing!
Together, we will take an upfront and honest assessment of all of Your Dealership’s strengths and
weaknesses relative to Your Sales Force, Your Previous Advertising and Marketing Efforts and Your
Growth Goals!
We will also assess the Advertising Efforts of Your Direct Competitors and Indirect Competitors for both
New Vehicle and Pre-Owned!
We will then put together a Tactical Plan of Attack and Take and Grow Market Share by leaps
and bounds!
Client Service...Client Service...And More Client Service!
Did we mention we are really into Client Service?
We give you Our Solemn any time...for any reason...WE ARE AT YOUR SERVICE!
Many ad agencies promise you that and after the honeymoon is over their focus often shifts to the
acquisition of new clients. Sad, but true! We have seen that hundreds of times!
Not so with us. A plan is already Etched-In-Stone with the regard to the hiring of addition talented
people to serve Client Needs and ALWAYS Provide World-Class Client Service!
Yes... You Will Reduce Your Television, Cable
Television and/or Radio Budget By A Minimum Of 10% - 20%
Productions CREATIVE MEDIA CONCEPT will generate more phone calls...more floor
traffic and more web traffic!

You are probably asking yourself HOW can they REDUCE my budget and INCREASE ROI?’s a lot
easier than it sounds. More than 9 out of 10 ad agencies WASTE tens of millions of Client Budget yearly
with lack-of-thought, outdated, stale and lack of creativity COOKIE CUTTER MEDIA BUYS!
The owner of GO-rilla has conquered The Media Buying Jungle for over 40 years both on the agency
side and the sales side. He is a master negotiator... has worked with inventory control and pricing with
media outlets...and has a unique and insightful way of maximizing Reach and Frequency while
minimizing dollars allocated to each station. All media negotiations on behalf of
Your Dealerships will be tenacious and with the utmost in professionalism.
Without giving away too many components of our unique CREATIVE MEDIA CONCEPTS...
let’s give you this analogy. One of the most important factors in Your
Dealership’s Profitability is Inventory Management. Same applies
with all media. Let’s say you have 10 units in stock of your most
popular model, color and option level and 100 more similar
models and not the top colors and are you going
to price those 10 versus the other 100. They are all great cars
and get someone where they are going.
Same thing applies on television, cable television and radio.
We will buy for Your Dealerships what gets you where you
need to go FOR LESS!
10% – 20% LESS!!!
It's Time to Put More